Complex task? No problem

Equipment from ORPU Pumpenfabrik GmbH is used for a broad range of tasks, from the disposal of dirty water and effluent in household, commercial, municipal and industrial settings to emergency situations.

Specialised pumps and pump systems fulfilling demanding requirements are used to deliver water ranging from clean water to very dirty water of different densities, sometimes at higher temperatures.

The spectrum ranges from the disposal of household effluent to the operation of municipal purification plants and from water-level regulation to the emptying of floating docks and tanks. They are used by fire brigades and technical relief organisations to pump out flooded rooms.

The grinder pumps are mainly used for dewatering pressure channels. Small house pumping stations promote wastewater of individual houses or of groups of houses in a pressure pipe network, which drain the wastewater for treatment. The pump technology realizes the delivery of waste water on any terrain.

The drainage and sewage pumps employed stand up to use in brackish water and seawater. This means that modern products from ORPU also contribute to protecting the environment.